Wednesday, 22 December 2010

RUBBISH - What to do over the coming days

I've just received from Cllr Rob Hannaford an Exeter City Council news release which covers how to deal with uncollected and missed refuse.

Exeter City Council PR 908 22/12/2010 [For Immediate Release]

Refuse trucks were back on Exeter's main roads today (Wednesday 22December) but some waste and recycling collections will now have to waituntil after Christmas, the City Council has said.

After two days of being unable to operate, the Council's refuse crews were able to make collections on most main routes in the city. However many side roads remain covered in compacted snow and ice and collections that were unable to be made will now take place on the next scheduled date.

Information on collection dates over the Christmas and New Year period is available at and is in the winter edition ofthe Exeter Citizen.

Cllr Rob Hannaford, Lead Councillor for Environment and Leisure, said:"We would ask the public to be patient and bear with us during this difficult period. These have been exceptional weather conditions and safety - not only to our crews but to the public in general - has to be our priority. We have already had a number of casualties with ourwork force slipping on icy surfaces, with one breaking an ankle and theo ther a finger. There are parts of Exeter that are still trecherous!

"Refuse vehicles will be back out again tomorrow (Thursday) and Christmas Eve but only on main routes and roads which are accessible.

"Next week, beginning on Wednesday, we will be throwing everything at the black bin collections and attempting to get as much done as theweather allows us," added Cllr Hannaford. "We will be putting on extra crews and concentrating mainly on the collections of household waste. In the meantime, if a collection has not been made, our advice is to take back the bin or bags and then put it out on your next scheduled collection date. Extra side waste will be accepted during this period butwe would encourage people to recycle or compost as much as possible over the Christmas break to minimise the impact of collections after the holidays. Extra bags of recyclable items can also be presented for collection but we would ask people to label them 'Recycling' and put their property number on the bags."


For more information contact Steve Upsher, Media Relations Officer, on 01392 265103.

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