Sunday, 27 March 2011

Am I qualified?

Various voices have questioned the suitability and capability of candidates in the election to Exeter City Council on 5th May.

It has also been said that voters can assess the calibre of a candidate with 5 mins.

Many residents in Cowick have had those 5 mins with me and I am sure that many think I can make a good Councillor.

But what of those who haven't had the opportunity of meeting me? Let me take this opportunity of outlining some of my experience.

There is no training, apprenticeship or even a formal exam I can pass - the only qualification I have is that I live here in Exeter, and so am entitled to stand. I am willing to put myself forward, and have my face and views stand up to scrutiny.

I have the passion and desire to do my best for the people of Exeter, along with honesty, humility, understanding.

I think I am a progressive, radical optimist, but believe I am aware of my own limitations and the limits of what can be achieved.

I'm told by others that I have an active, inquiring mind that I believe can be utilised to scrutinise the actions of others, to debate issues and put forward my own passionate view on causes I care strongly about, but always reflecting the concerns of local residents.

I hope I won't promise something that I can't deliver.

I will own up if I make a mistake.

I am a good listener and will not only listen to those that shout loudest, but also all those who complain with a whisper.

I will explore all possibilities if I feel I can help someone, but I would not give false hope to those if I can't come up will a solution.

And I hope I can retain these hopes and desires without becoming cynical.

And let's remember that the process of becoming a councillor isn't like a job interview where you have to convince maybe 5 people of your abilities - I have to face an electorate [in Cowick, some 4000+] and convince a majority of them to come out and vote for me.

I've spent the last 6 months working alongside Cllr Heather Morris, allowing the voters of Cowick the opportunity to get to know me - meeting them in the street, talking to them on the doorstep and the phone, giving them news and information about me. My thoughts and my views have been published in letters, newsletters and this very blog.

So I ask you, am I qualified to be a Councillor? Well, only you can decide.

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