Saturday, 16 April 2011

"We only hear from you at election time"

A common comment I hear as I go knocking on doors is that "we only hear from you at election time".

I had this today, with the additional quote of "you're like the police, never there when we need you".

So let's look at the truth behind the matter.

Here in Cowick there are 2 ward councillors on the City Council elected for a 4 year term, as well as County Councillor for Alphinton and Cowick, again elected every four years.

That means there is an election in Cowick 3 out of 4 years. So, yes you probably do hear from us at election time - as most of the time we are either just before, during or immediately after an election.

There was a Cowick Rose following Cllr Heather Morris' successful election in September.

I was selected to fight the seat in November and since then there have been at least 3 Ward Newsletters along with street letters dealing with very specific issues, as well as knocking on doors and phone canvassing.

Now in Cowick there are some 4300 electors living in approximately 2300 properties. That's a lot of people to get around and see. I will admit I'm only going to meet a proportion of them - but I'm doing my best.

But communication is a two-way street. All my election literature gives my contact details [address, phone and e-mail] as well as that of the local Labour Councillor, Heather Morris. Please do tell us if there are things that are bothering you.

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