Wednesday, 19 December 2012

PLAN TEIGNBRIDGE | SWE1 SW Exeter urban Extension next stage of the Plan Teignbridge - that of receiving comments on the Proposed Submission for the Local Plan before being sent to the Secretary of Stage - closes at 5pm today.

I'd made comments at the previous stage at the end of March

Below are my comments of the policies relating to the SW Exeter Urban Extension.

SWE1 | Delivery of at least 2000 homes

Following the Proposed Options consultation carried out earlier in the year, and supported by evidence from an updated Strategic Housing Market Assessment prepared by ORS in the summer, the proposed number of new homes has been reduced from 14,800 to 12,400.

Following representations made at the Proposed Options stage, almost all areas have seen a reduction of the allocation of new homes required to be delivered under the Plan Teignbridge scheme between 2016 and 2033.

Indeed, it appears there is only one area where the allocation has not be adjusted, in SW Exeter Urban Extension.

I would hope that this figure remains around 2,000 is not a cynical response from TDC to the fact that 10.3% of the residents of Alphington [the biggest percentage response by far to the Plan Teignbridge consultation] made numerous objections to the proposals yet have no vote within Teignbridge. And analysing the diagram of where those comments come from, I would hazard a guess that most of the "Alphingon Village" made their voices heard.

Yet those voices appear to have gone unheeded. They are still faced with a development of 2,000 new homes - forming a new urban community spanning from Alphington to Exminster.

I have made strong representation over the policy S4 Land for New Homes in a separate submission.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
CHANGE the policy so that it reads a) delivery of at least 1,500 homes..

SWE1 | 10.4

10.4 refers to an approach that reduces the need to travel, yet the new development is intended as an extension to SW Exeter. Local travel in and around Exeter would be necessary but the narrative continues with the aspiration of "focussing new housing, jobs and facilities into locations with existing infrastructure to cope with the increased demand"

The existing infrastructure CANNOT cope with the existing demand, and the small increased demand to be placed upon it by the up to 500 new homes planned to be delivered within the next few years with Exeter City Council's boundaries.

I see little in the Local Plan that will ensure that the current infrastructure can and will be upgraded in a timely manner, alongside the new developments rather than after the new housing is built.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD Improvements to the existing infrastructure must be delivered in a timely manner to cope with the increased demand.

SWE1 | 10.6
10.6 refers to " arrange of infrastructure elements of infrastructure elements that need to be delivered in a timely manner."

Already it is acknowledged that Alphington Primary School is already facing a shortage of places, the West Exe Technical College is fast reaching capacity and the nearby village of Exminster has an existing school that cannot be expanded on its existing site.

Devon County Council has recently produced a document assessing the increasing need for school places within Exeter, yet this document makes no reference to the impending need for additional places in West of Exeter, let alone the planned SW Exeter Urban Extension.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD Devon County Council need to work closely with both local authorities that new schools can be delivered as early as possible in the new SW Exeter Urban Extension.

SWE1 | 10.9
10.9 refers to the SW Exeter Urban Extension as being on "an enhanced public transport route" There has been much talk surrounding a "High Qualilty Public Transport" system being put in place.

However, my own conversations with Devon County Council and Stagecoach seem to suggest that too many demands are being put on to the Enhanced Public Transport for the area and it might be that it might e expected to perform too many roles, namely the proposed Park and Ride rather than being NON-STOP would be a limited stop service through the new development.

This appears to serve neither type of passenger well, slowing down the direct service desired by P&R users and not enough convenient stops of the residents of the new development.

Stagecoach seems to be reluctant to move away from their preferred model of aerial routes into and out of the city centre. The does seem to be a case for the operation of orbital routes that could link the new SW Exeter development with those currently being delivered at Newcourt, Monkerton, Hill Barton, Science Park, Sky Park and Cranbrook.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD Take a multi-agency approach to ensure that a "High Quality Public Transport System"  in keeping with the aspirations of the document "Enhancing the Public Transport System in Exeter" [Feb 2011] is delivered for the area forming the SW Exeter Urban Extension as soon as is practicable.

SWE1 |10.10 - Traffic congestion
10.10 acknowledges that Exeter experiences "traffic congestion along its main arterial routes" and that the SW Exeter Urban Extension needs to encourage "greater use of sustainable forms of transport".

To enable the this to happen, a step change in the provision and use of public transport is needed to remove some traffic. The policy suggests that this is to free up a sufficient capacity to support the development.

That modal shift needs to happen whether the development of the full TDC plans for SW Urban Extension happen or not

Investment in the infrastructure to facilitate this step change is necessary from the outset and all authorities must work tirelessly to ensure that this can be delivered ahead of commencement of the development.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD Take a multi-agency approach to ensure that plans to ensure a "greater use of sustainable forms of transport" are implemented as soon as is practicable.

SWE1 | 10.10 - Park and Ride
10.10 also talks about a replacement park and ride facility within the new development, located to the south of the A379 at the intersection with the A30 and A379.

This site could prove unattractive to drivers approaching from the Dawlish direction.

The new site could prove useful for commuter traffic travelling along A38 from the west, but other sites - such as the employment land adjacent to Peamore - may prove equally suitable.

And the reference to the intersection with the A30 is disingenuous, as there is no direct access to the A379 from the A30 at this point so would not serve any traffic from that direction. If that could be provided, or a another suitable site proposed within the confines of the new development that might serve to reduce the propel for a new P&R site at the Aphington/Ide interchange.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
CHANGE reference from 'replacement' Park and Ride facility to 'additional' 
LOOK AT alternative sites for location P&R facility that might prove more suitable

SWE1 | 10.11 - A379
10.11 acknowledges that at present the A379 could be seen as a barrier which could "divide and prevent a well- connected and sustainable place"

The narrative goes on to suggest that it will be necessary to change the nature of the road so that "it can integrate with and become a functioning part of the development"

But is this actually feasible? The policy admits that the A379 will maintain its "current function and capacity" as an entrance to Marsh Barton and Matford industrial estates and an outer ring-road for Exeter.

The suggestions about speed reduction and pedestrian crossings appear promising but seem to have done little to improve the integration of communities that border the new development around the Countess Wear roundabout, and that's without the added disadvantage of a downward hill on the approach to the Devon Hotel roundabout.

The policy references the SW Exeter Masterplan yet refuses to acknowledge the view in that document that "the development will need to change the nature of the A379"

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD The nature of the A379 will need to be fundamentally changed so that it can become a usable space for pedestrians and cyclists, transforming it into a functioning part of the walking and cycling network and a stimulus rather than a barrier to well-connected growth.

SWE1 | 10.13
10.13 suggest that there is a "need for a mix of housing types and sizes" within the development area.

The ECC Local Plan ensures that in the area South of Alphington that "the development form would be expected to relate well to adjoining houses. Densities should be appropriate to the location and it will be important to ensure that the amenity of existing residents is protected."

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD The development form would be expected to relate well to adjoining houses. Densities should be appropriate to the location and it will be important to ensure that the amenity of existing residents is protected

SWE1 | 10.16
10.16 highlights that present school provision within the proposed SW Exeter Urban Extension has little or no scope for growth.

The recent report by Devon County Council on the requirement of new schools places for Exeter has no mention of additional spaces in SW Exeter Urban Extension

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD The provision of new school places must be investigated with utmost urgency and the delivery of new school places must be delivered alongside new house-building.

SWE1 | 10.23
The timely delivery of the major insfrastructure facilities is seen as an important factor in achieving a sustainable and integrated new community.

Yet the phasing of that infrastructure outlined in this policy appears to work against that successful achievement of a sustainable and integrated new community.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ALTER the SW Masterplan phasing so that: 
a) remains the same 
b) 500 dwellings with a primary school, Chudleigh Road upgrade, part of Matford Valley Park, public transport improvements, pedestrian enhancement of A379 
c) 1000 dwellings with the remainder of the required infrastructure 
d) 500 dwellings

SWE1 | 10.26
The policy suggests that the TDC development should come towards the latter part of the plan period, suggesting nearer to 2033 than 2016. This means that the ECC phase of the development would not be supported by any new infrastructure pals for many years.

4. What changes would you suggest should be made to the plan?
ADD It would be hoped that phase b) in policy 10.23 above could commence as soon as delivering the required infrastructure can allow.

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