Tuesday, 13 August 2013

My thoughts on fracking

Many residents have been using this template letter from Greenpeace to contact me about their concerns about the serious issue of fracking

I'm very concerned about the prospect of fracking - or hydraulic fracturing - in our area.

Fracking has been practiced in the US for some time and has been linked to contamination of water supplies and
atmospheric pollution, as well as increased traffic to construction sites. The government has promised lower energy bills  if gas and oil from fracking is produced, but even the fracking companies admit this is unlikely to happen. The 
government should, instead, be concentrating on sustainable energy sources rather than this appalling method of 
extracting short-term energy supplies.

I would like to know if any companies are planning to carry out fracking in Devon and whether any relevant licences havebeen sold. If so, I would be grateful if you could let me know your position on the matter and what steps I can take to
register my objections.

If there are no current plans or licences, I would be grateful if you could keep me informed of any future


Here is my response to this e-mail:

Thank you for your email as part of Greenpeace's campaign Say No To Fracking to defend neighbourhoods from

Like you I have serious concerns about the practice as it is linked to contaminations of water supplies, increased air pollution and even small earthquakes .
A recent report in New Scientist (7 August 2013) suggests that fracking for shale gas and oil, rather than stemming 
"global warming, could actually accelerate climate change by releasing methane - a more potent 'greenhouse gas" than carbon dioxide -  into the atmosphere

I am concerned about fracking and am aware of the key messages published by UK Extreme Energy in July 2013

They also publish a very useful set of briefing notes which you might you might find useful

I have been in contact with officers at Exeter City Council and they have confirmed that there have not been any 
applications for licences for any form of shale gas or oil exploration within the boundaries of Exeter.

Also, to the best of my knowledge there have not been any applications within the county. The geology of Devon makes itunlikely that there is any prospect of there being any oil or gas reserves.

I have asked the officers to keep me informed of any change to this situation, and you could join me in subscribing the to Frack Off e-newsletter for updates. 

Friends of the Earth are also running a campaign against fracking - more from their campaign hub.

Thank you for your interest in this subjecy and I will endeavour to keep you informed if the situation changes



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