And the main focus of complaint is that the P bus goes nowhere near the nearest doctors' surgery.
Why is this such a concern for those people living in Cowick?
The 2011 census might hold some clues. The data from that census shows that there were 5,650 residents living in 2315 households.
Cowick has 1277 residents over retirement age (that's 22.6% of them, and puts the ward second in the ranking after Topsham).
There are 333 residents who have stated that they have " bad" or "very bad" health (5.9% and ranked third after Whipton Barton and Priory).
On car ownership, 21.3% of Cowick households do not have a car - that means nearly 1,000 residents of Cowick might need to use public transport.
That's why it's been important to campaign for a bus service that allows Cowick's residents easy access to their GP.
I've been speaking to Ben Bradshaw who is keen to see some of the recommendations of the IPPR report Greasing The Wheels implemented.
These include:
- giving greater powers and responsibilities to local bodies to shape local bus markets
- replicating the Transport for London (TfL) model at the city-region and combined authority level
- greater integration of transport spending and services by health and education providers (such as hospital shuttles and school buses)
- a new long-term, national transport strategy, to be written and owned by the Department for Transport.
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