As you are aware from previous blogs, even before joining Exeter HATOC I have taken a very proactive role in promoting 20 mph zones withon Cowick and Exeter.
I raised the matter at the Exeter meeting on 19 April 2012.
During my presentation to that meeting,I was trying to oultine my understanding for the regulations surrounding 20 mph zones I was stopped by the chair at the time, Cllr Andrew Leadbetter, who said that my understanding of the regulations had been superceded by new guidance that had been previously covered by the committee.
My subsequent research led me to that new guidance contained within the Road traffic Regulation Act 1984 - Sections 64 and 65 Special Directions signed on authority of the Secretary of State by a Delegated Official in the DfT on 17 October 2011 [GT50/035/0024].
As a resut of this research I asked under Standing Order 23 (2) the matter to be discussed at the Exeter HATOC meeting held on 18 April 2013.
I was very sorry to miss this discussion due to unavoidable work commitments, but was gladden by minute 179 Review of 20 mph Limits and Zones in Exeter, and in particular the resolution:
It wss MOVED by Cllr Leadbetter, SECONDED by Cllr Westlake and
RESOLVED that the action to ensure that 20 mph Limits and Zones within Exeter were compliant with current Department for Transport signing standards be supported.
At the subsequent meeting, held on 23 July 2013, although unminuted, it was confirmed that the audit of 20 mph zones had been completed and it was agreeed that local ward councillors - both County and City - would be informed on what was needed to make zones within their wards compliant.
Having not heard anything on this matter by 19 August 2013, i asked to be given a status report.
I was informed in an e-mail by Adrian Jelfs [Assistant Senior Traffic Engineer] that only 2 roads in Cowick needed attention to bring both 20mph zones in Cowick into compliance - Broadway and Bowhay Lane
I raised some issues with some other roads mentioned in that e-mail which were not actually in my ward.
On 03 September, I recieved notification form Adrian Jelfs that the contractor had now completed the requisite works and an e-mail exchange ensued to confirm that the level of signing in all areas of Cowick [including Bowhay Lane and Barley Lane] will be in accordance with the regulations and it is anticipated that all of Exeter’s 20 mph zones and limits will be “signed off” for enforcement around the end of November

a traffic calming feature as defined in Direction 16 (2) of the 2002 TSRGD; OR
a sign shown in diagram 670 in schedule 2 of the 2002 TRSGD [namesly a 20mph repeater roundel]; OR
a sign shown in diagram 1065, when varied to "20", in the 2002 TSRGD [namely a 20mph carriageway roundel]
To put this in practice, I would believe that there should should never be more than 100m between any of the 3 measures
[p14 of DfT Circular 1/2003]
My understanding is that unless ALL these conditions are in place, the zone is NOT valid and compliant and so is unenforceable by the police. So even if the stretch of, say Bowhay Lane is correctly signed or calmed, if somewhere esle in the overall zone isn't correctly signed or calmed, then the police cannot enforce the speed limit in Bowhay Lane
As I was not convinced that all these provisions were in place, today I undertook a ward walk that told about 90 minutes
My observations were that several roads are NOT correctly signed or calmed.
Nadder Park Road
From top of cul-sac to first repeater roundel = 196 paces
From 1st roundel to 2nd roundel = 235 paces
I believe at least another 5 repaeater roundels or carriageway roundels need to be added
Barley Lane
From 2nd roundel on Nadder Park Road to junction with Barley Farm Road = 37 paces
The 20mph reapeater roundel on bus stop on Barley Farm Road means that this small stretch is compliant
From Barley Farm Road to telepgraph pole = 132 paces
From Barley Farm Road to telepgraph pole = 132 paces
NB there is only a repeater roundel on the Sylvan Heights bound side, should one be placed on lamp-post 14 on the other side of the road
Perhaps carriageway roundels should be painted by the SLOW carriageway sign?
Perhaps carriageway roundels should be painted by the SLOW carriageway sign?
From telegraph pole to Croft Chase = 37 paces
The 20mph repeater roundel near the top of the rise menas that this small stretch is compliant
From Croft Chase to lamp-postlamppost outside 58 Barley Lane = 37paces
From lamp-post outsie 58 Barley Lane to lamp-post 10 on other side of road = 77 paces
Lamp-post 10 to lamp-post 7 opposite bus stop = 118 paces
This makes it close to 200m between repeater roundels and on this fact alone means the whole zone cannot be enforced
My suggestion would be to paint carriageway roundels either side of the Balrley Lane School zig-zags
From lamp-post 7 to speed table outside Sylvan Heights = 24 paces
From lamp-post 7 to speed table outside Sylvan Heights = 24 paces
To first speed hump = 45 paces
To second bump = 63 paces
To gateway = 60 paces
This bottom stretch is compliant
Barley Farm RoadOther than a 20mph repeater roundel on the bus stop near Barley Lane the whole of Barley Lane is deficient in the necessary measures.
This means many points ar more than 50m from a necessary measure
Berkshire DriveNone of the necessary measure
This means many points ar more than 50m from a necessary measure
Wentworth GardenNo measures
50 pacess from Bowhay Lane to 83 Wentworth gardens
+50 paces from 83 Wentworth Gardensto rear of Dorset Avenue properties
50 pacess from Bowhay Lane to 83 Wentworth gardens
+50 paces from 83 Wentworth Gardensto rear of Dorset Avenue properties
This means many points ar more than 50m from a necessary measure
Myrtle RoadThere is 1 physical traffic calming measure but then
100 paces to top
Then 80 long top
the. 80 down to Oak Road
100 paces to top
Then 80 long top
the. 80 down to Oak Road
This means many points ar more than 50m from a necessary measure
I am concerned that with my observations made today that zones within Cowick are, despite assurances from Devon County Officers, are still not compliant.
And with that I question the accuracy of the audit and review process throughout the other 17 wards covering the city.
I had asked Devon County Council for sight of the audit/review survey carried out in Cowick?
In addtion, there appears to be no new interventions along Bowhay Lane and so I have asked for confimation on what the contractors were required to do here to bring this street up to compliance standard?
Not having visited the Braodway, Cowick Hill 20mph zone I have no comments yet on whether I beleive this zone had been made enforceable.
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