Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Is Cowick's "Broadway" 20 mph zone now enforceable?

Earlier this week, I was informed by Devon County Council Highways officers that works specified by them following an audit process in the Broadway 20 mph zone have been completed.

They say that they have yet to check this on the ground before final sign off.

Just to see what they have done, I spent 30 minutes on Sunday pacing out the physical calming measures, 20 mph repeater roundels and 20 mph carriageway roundels to see if I think they meet the necessary regulations to enable Devon & Cornwall to enforce the 20 mph speed limit.

To be compliant there must be at least one physical traffic calming measure - speed hump, speed table, chicane, bend over more than 70 degrees , etc as outlined under Direction 16 of TSRGB 2002 [see previous blogs!] AND no point of the zone can be more than 50m from
(1) a physical traffic calming measure set under that same Direction 16; or
(2) 20 mph repeater roundel; or
(3) 20mph carriageway roundel 

Here's what I found:

Gateway to speed table just before LP 2 = 68
To speed table  just before PL 4 = 100
To speed table just before LP = 153
This more than exceeds the maximum of 100m between any 2 measures under direction 16
To LH bend = 76.
Bend to flats = 77
Possibly 20mph repeater outside 108 not needed here, and could be placed elsewhere as it is within 50m of other measures
To repeater outside 124 = 89
To Cowick Hill = 33

To LH bend = 54
To right angled flats = 102
As the bend is probably NOT 70 degrees in 32m inner radius, I would question the valisity here

All valid

Vuefield Hill
To LH bend = 69
To garage outside 23 = 75
Both these stretches are probably non-compliant

Cowick Hill
From Stanway cul-de-sac to roundel outside 127 = 92
Cause for concern
To Broadway Hill = 50
To roundel outside 107 = 60
If a junction is not classied as a bend of not less than 70 degrees, this stretch would not be valid
To table = 44
To roundel on LP 6 = 124
This more than exceeds the maximum of 100m between any 2 measures under direction 16
To table = 72 outside 49
to LH bend = 32
To table = 41
To parkway = 18
To table = ??
To hump = 48
To roundel outside 29 = 77
To hump outside 50 = 99
To roundel outside 68 = 85
To end of CDS = 66 but close to 90 degree bend on BW
Orchard Hill
From Cowick Hill to roundel  = 44
from Parkway to roundel = 51

From my paced measurements I see at least 5 stretches that probably do not meet direction 16.

I wonder if DCC's Highways officers is agree?

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